Grain Alliance mix of crops is determined by an overall framework strategy developed by our agronomists in corporation with international experts.
The allocation of crops can be slightly altered year on year from the framework strategy based on forecasted outputs and developments on the international commodities markets. The overall goal is to have a production mix that maximizes returns in a long term perspective and do not exhaust the land. Therefore, Grain Alliance in the crop planning and rotation strive to retain the superior fertility of the Ukrainian soil and at the same time cultivate crops for which one could estimate the best prices. Thus far Grain Alliance cultivate mainly, corn, wheat, sunflower and soybean. The strategy is to reduce sunflower and move more towards a rotation of corn, soybean, and milling wheat. Sunflower as a crop renders high prices, but at the same time wear out the soil. For example, land, on which there have been growing sunflower, must be used for other crops during 5 – 6 years. Soybean on the other hand, restores and enriches the soil, for instance land rotated from soybean demands less fertilizer. Demand of soybean is increasing globally and price of soybean has, during the last decade, been more stable than for example sunflower. Yet, soybean demands more precision in the cultivation process. International experience also points towards the benefits of a crop rotation between soybean, corn and wheat.